Our Tax Pros will connect with you one-on-one, answer all your questions, and always go the extra mile to support you.
We have flexible hours, locations, and filing options that cater to every hardworking tax filer.
We’ve seen it all and will help you through it all. 40 years of experience and our guarantees back it up.
Guaranteed biggest refund or $100
FEDERAL RETURNS ONLY. If you are entitled to a refund larger than we initially determined, we’ll refund the tax preparation fees paid for that filed return (other product and service fees excluded) and give you an additional $100. You must submit a valid claim and file an amended return with Jackson Hewitt by the annual IRS deadline for the year of your tax return. Same tax facts must apply. Terms, restrictions, and conditions apply. Most offices are independently owned and operated.
If there is an error preparing your return resulting in an increased tax liability, the local office that prepared your return will reimburse you for penalties and interest (but not additional taxes) owed. You must notify us within 30 days of receiving initial notice from a taxing authority and provide necessary documents and/or assistance. Terms, restrictions, and conditions apply. Most offices are independently owned and operated.
Get back in good standing with the IRS and get on with your life. Have an expert Tax Pro deal with the IRS for you. Get a free consult! Visit our website to learn more.